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  1. A tendon is a type of connective tissue that attach the muscles in the body to bones or, in some cases, other structures like the eyeball. Tendons aid in stabilization of joints and assist in moving the bone or structure that it is attached to. The Achilles tendon is located in the bottom of the calf of the leg, is the largest tendon in the human body. Its location makes it a common site for sports injuries. Conditions that occur to this area are treated by podiatrist, a specialist who treats the foot, ankle and associated areas.
  2. While the Achilles tendon is capable of withstanding a lot of stress from activity, it is prone to Podiatrist Delray Beach Fl tendinitis when overused. Achillestendonitis is the inflammation that occurs as the body's natural response to an injury.
    There are two types of Achilles tendinitis including:
    Noninsertional - This type of tendonitis occurs when the fibers in the middle part of the tendon start to break down, or degenerate, swell and thicken. This type of Achilles tendinitis most often occurs in people who are younger and very active.
  3. Insertional - This type of tendonitis occurs in the lower area of the heel in the area where the tendon and the heel bone attach. Bone spurs, which are extra bone growth, often occur with insertional Achilles tendonitis, another condition treated by a podiatrist. Insertional tendinitis can occur in people who are not active and at any time.
    Tendon fibers may calcify in either type of Achilles tendinitis.
    Achilles tendinitis does not usually occur as the result of an injury, but from repeated stress that occurs to the tendon from overuse and repetitive movements. Other factors can also play a role in its occurring. Athletes and others who increase the amount or intensity of physical activity without allowing the body a chance to adjust to the changes can put the tendon at risk. People with tight calf muscles who suddenly begin aggressive exercise put added stress on the tendon as well. Bone spurs can also rub the area and cause pain.
  4. Treatments
    A podiatrist will provide treatment for achlles tendonitis and, if needed, surgery to treat the condition. Nonsurgical treatments may include any of the following:
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